State discriminates against people with hepatitis C

Adan expressed concern about this, saying that “hepatitis C is not being treated as it should be, and they are being discriminated against by the Ministry of Public Health.”

“Hepatitis C patients are cured in three months of medicine, but MSP hides the disease. Secretary Salinas promised to put the test on the health card, but did not comply. They will definitely promise again this year. They put AIDS virus instead of one Hepatitis C’, he pointed out.

“They’re running a program that’s nothing more than doing market research with big labs, and they’re leaving people in need of treatment and analysis. This program doesn’t benefit patients at all, instead of using the program we’d hoped for.” Since 2020 We have been working with the municipality of Canelones, Uruguay, for 20 years to eliminate hepatitis C,” he added.

The procedure involves going out to find patients in the area, who are then referred to health care providers and treated. “Some people are out looking for talent, and others are out looking for numbers that labs can invest in,” Adan said.

“Thanks to the association’s collaboration with Udelar’s Department of Pharmacology, led by Prof. Gustavo Tamosiunas, we have made great progress. The drug started at $150,000 until we registered a premium product at $600, which is being funded today by the Resource Fund Use. If this MSP program is successful, the drug will probably cost at least $5,000 again,” he said.

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