Rise in coronavirus infections may be due to ‘cyclicality’ – Metro World News

The outbreak caused by the novel coronavirus has spread to 231 countries, with 685,206,739 people infected. The disease is caused by a new virus that had not been identified in humans until a few months ago.

Nationally, 106,392,950 people, according to data released by the Department of Health and Human ServicesThere were 2030 new cases compared with the previous day.

By some measures, the number of coronavirus infections is increasing, as are the number of people who test positive, the number of emergency room visits and, most worryingly, hospitalizations.

Why are coronavirus infections increasing?

Leana Wen, a professor of health policy and management at the Milken School of Public Health at George Washington University and an emergency response expert, talked about this in a recent interview.

Part of the reason may be the cyclical nature of the coronavirus: We see a spike in cases followed by a period of relative calm., and then increased. This is likely to be the pattern going forward, with two or more waves of infections per year. “

“One of the reasons for the increase in cases in summer may be that people congregate indoors when it’s very hot,” the doctor said.

“It could also explain why infections increase during the holidays when people gather indoors,” he told CNN.

latest statistics

The United States ranks first among countries in terms of cases of Covid-19, the viral pneumonia affecting the world. In the past 24 hours, 16 deaths were reported, bringing the death toll to 1,157,256.

So far, 1,721 patients are in critical condition, waiting for their condition to improvewhile 104,228,610 people have fully recovered.

The World Health Organization (WHO) urges you to visit its website and social networks to find out the best advice to minimize your chances of contagion.

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