Bird flu outbreak in Rio Piedras “under control”

Raúl Días Pardo, Head of Senasa, Currently working in the town of Rio Piedras due to the outbreak Avian Influenza.This morning, he confirmed The situation is under control.

The official insisted that Argentina was in a state of health emergency because of such cases: “In February there were cases in the province of Jujuy and then in Cerrillos, in the state of Salta. That would be the third so far this year, and in all three cases, it has had no impact on business activity,” he said. explain.

It is a disease caused by a virus that affects wild and domestic birds, he explained. It comes in different strains, in this case H5, and it causes a fatal disease state that acts to reduce hygiene in susceptible animals.

on a radio show “Good and Bad”, Pardo said the procedure went like this: First, the Senasa team was notified of something suspicious, so they showed up immediately with all their personal protection and safety protocols.

Contingency planning begins with diagnostic laboratory confirmation. Teams were deployed to search within ten kilometers of the location where the positive case was found, House-to-house and property-by-property vetting, registration and strict inspections were carried out.

“This was done within 72 hours of confirmation, which means we’ve been working since Friday, The area has been searched and no other health news has been found in this outbreak,” the official said.

It will take more time to start with two laboratory studies, the first to test for the virus and the second to test whether the virus is highly pathogenic, he said. “The most important thing is that we have acted, the most important thing is that we are containing,” Indian.

“The disease can infect people, but the disease occurs when there is direct contact with sick poultry, and there is no risk of consuming the meat of the animal, which is related to exposure,” the official explained.

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