An ophthalmologist explains 4 key points for treating conjunctivitis according to the cause

thisConjunctivitisIs a conjunctival inflammationthe transparent membrane that lines the surface and interior of the eye eyelid It is one of the most common eye diseases in the population, both children and adults.

In fact, as he explained to Dr. Andrés Fernández-Vega Cueto-Felgueroso, Specialist, Fernández-Vega Eye Institute, “It is not specific to any season, however, some forms of allergic conjunctivitis may be more prevalent during certain seasons of the year.”

For example, the expert adds, “In spring, when there are more pollen In the environment, or in summer, especially when traveling, we are more exposed to environmental and external dirt. In addition, “viral conjunctivitis may also be more common during seasonal outbreaks of certain viruses.” “

Ophthalmologists report other eye problems such as red eyes, eye irritation, watery or itchy eyes from contact with sea water or swimming pools, sand, exposure to air conditioners, etc. during the summer.

As for the causes of conjunctivitis, the main causes are “bacteria, viruses, environmental allergens, physical or chemical agents, and other germs,” ​​the doctor he explained Pharmacist Marianne Garcia, better known aspharmacist garciain this video electric shockthis Different Types of Conjunctivitis According to its origin, there are:

  • Viral conjunctivitis: the most common and most contagious.
  • Bacterial Conjunctivitis: Caused by bacteria. It occurs in one eye and can also pass to the other eye.
  • Allergic conjunctivitis: It is caused by allergens such as pollen and occurs in both eyes at the same time.

How is conjunctivitis treated depending on its origin

according to the cause Conjunctivitis, treatment will be one of them.Therefore, as Dr. Fernández-Vega explained, in bacterial conjunctivitis“A bacterial infection is usually cleared up with an antibiotic in the form of eye drops or ointment.”

if you have allergic conjunctivitistopical antihistamines and artificial tears will be the most effective treatments to help relieve symptoms symptom And reduce inflammation caused by allergic reactions.

On the other hand, in this case viral conjunctivitis“Treatment is mainly supportive and focuses on relieving symptoms through the use of artificial tears and measures to reduce the spread of the virus, which usually clears up on its own over time,” the expert explained.

Therefore, “if conjunctivitis is suspected, see an ophthalmologist for a full diagnosis: the type of conjunctivitis must be determined so that the correct treatment can be instituted.”

other suggestion In case of conjunctivitis contagion, we must also take the following measures:

  • Avoid rubbing your eyes, as this can make irritation worse.
  • Wash your hands often, especially when touching your eyes, to prevent the spread of infection.
  • Wearing sunglasses can protect your eyes from UV rays and reduce exposure to allergens.
  • Avoid wearing contact lenses when you have conjunctivitis, as they may exacerbate irritation and spread infection.

at last, Prevent the spread of conjunctivitis For others, “it is important to avoid direct eye contact and to wash your hands frequently, especially if the eye area is touched,” concluded the ophthalmologist.

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