Cristina Pedroche Faces Criticism After Sharing Three Weeks Postpartum Body Photos

After giving birth to her first daughter, Laia, three weeks ago, Cristina Pedroche is experiencing one of the best moments of her life. These days, she remains very active on social media, continuing to post about her recovery and daily life. On the other hand, his last post didn’t get a great response. It racked up more than 2,500 comments, most of which criticized the moderator’s decision to post such content as “very harmful to women”.

The Zapeando collaborator, who posted a photo of herself posing in front of a mirror in a bikini, said: “There’s no luck or miracles here, there’s a lot of preparation before and during pregnancy. Healthy living, exercise, healthy food and meditation.

Despite great care during this time, the men from Vallecas noticed a change in her physique. “I’ve lost some weight than before pregnancy, but I’ve lost muscle mass,” she emphasizes in the video as she touches different parts of her body. But she stressed that she is very happy with her body because “she has memories”.

In a short time, the publication was flooded with comments criticizing the anchor’s posts. One of the people with the most likes said, “Celebrity women are tired of normalizing postpartum because they really just want to show off and show how quickly they can get their flat bellies back.”

“It’s normal that you’re causing so much hate or hate because this publication of yours is hurting women. You’re fine, but that’s your situation, a lot of other women have other conditions, other pregnancies and postpartums, and everyone The purchasing power and time of your baby are completely different. This is your reality, and as a famous person who can “influence” others, you should be more careful about what you post, because this is your reality, but for most people, the postpartum period It’s not true, the body takes a while to recover. Recovery time is long, don’t be fooled by this type of publication,” one very frustrated user said in the post.

Another woman, who is also an athlete, commented: “This is not the reality of postpartum. Most of us dedicate ourselves to our baby 24/7 and we didn’t have time to take care of ourselves until long ago… if you don’t help or Purchasing power, that’s out of the question…I don’t remember my baby six or eight months ago, protruding breasts all day, bad eating on the couch, everything turned upside down…that’s what most Reality of man…and I think recovery takes time too. No need to set goals or see how long it will take my body to recover. That’s secondary to me. I don’t understand setting goals. I appreciate My body has struggled for 11 years to be able to bring my daughter into this world, I don’t mind postpartum belly and cellulite, I also prepare a lot because I always do exercise, but the first year and now I spend my time with my daughter and I have to work to support her and if at some point I neglect myself I don’t regret it. They aren’t babies anymore but I smell people who think differently People, or people who are lucky enough to live with children as if they didn’t have them.

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