Can Yaman amazes his fans, the announcement everyone has been waiting for!

Can Yaman breaks his silence on El Turco, a new TV series in which he is the main character on Disney+.

Can Yaman amazes his fans, the announcement everyone has been waiting for!

Can Yaman spent over six months in Hungary doing an exciting but challenging new assignment from an acting standpoint. The Turkish Actor Was Actually Chosen Disney+ be the face of the Ottoman leader Balaban Hassan in the new TV series El Turco, along with Greta Ferro and an international cast, with a script entirely in English. But when will we be able to see the result of these intense months of effort? The answer comes directly from Yaman.

Can Yaman star El Turco

Having received a good result as Francesco Demir, the dark chief inspector in Viola’s fiction as il Mare, Can Yaman he tested himself again. The Turkish actor does not like to sit idly by, and taking advantage of the leap that his career has been making for several years now, in an effort to secure a place for him in the hearts of many viewers, he has accepted a new, exciting and extremely difficult task. Maybe, in fact, was chosen as protagonist of El Turco Directed by Uluk Bayraktar based on the historical novel of the same name by Orhan Yeniaras.

The actor will play the role Balaban Hasan, the historical Ottoman leader during the second siege of Vienna, who, badly wounded in battle, took refuge in a small Italian village in Moena, where he helped the local population, to the point that he was mentioned in local legends for centuries to come. A decidedly fat role entrusted to Yaman, who has yet to demonstrate that he can be a versatile actor. Also in the cast of the series Greta IronItalian actress and model who was entrusted with the role main character Slava. No sparks on set as Ferro is happily engaged, but a lot of respect judging by the mutual compliments the two actors exchanged on social media during the long months of filming in Hungary.

Can Yaman shifts, exciting announcement

To immerse yourself in the role of the legendary Ottoman leader, Can Yaman he spent about seven months in Hungary, and one can say that it was a difficult test for him to completely withdraw from public life in an unknown place and with a group of people whom he had never seen before, with all the linguistic and cultural barriers of the case. Yaman’s melancholy lived many moments away from Italy, which has now become a real second home for him, full of love after his move to Rome during the broadcast of Daydreamer on Canale 5.

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Despite this, Yaman is very pleased with the work done and does not hide his emotions at the thought of his fans, who will soon be able to see him in action. Answering the questions of the most inquisitive, in fact, I can let it slip that El Turco will be available from October on the Disney+ platform. In all likelihood, following the trend of recent years, the releases will be uploaded in English, and so we will have to wait to see their translation into English, but this certainly does not scare Yaman’s fans, who almost learned the language to see his projects in preview in Turkish!

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