Brussels updates poultry imports and avian influenza surveillance in five countries

Madrid, 7th August (EFECOM) – The European Commission (EC) has amended the authorized influenza entry of poultry and game from Canada, Chile, the United States and the United Kingdom into the European Union (EU) based on poultry cases and has updated the Netherlands’ protection zone for the disease and monitoring area.

The Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) reported on Monday that the United Kingdom and the United States have reported the status of new highly pathogenic avian influenza (GAAP) outbreaks in poultry in Kent, England, and New York state, respectively.

The European Commission has evaluated this information and decided to suspend the entry of poultry, poultry germ products and fresh meat from poultry and game birds from these areas in order to protect the animal health situation in the EU.

On the other hand, the European Commission re-authorized the importation of these products from the Canadian province of British Columbia, the Chilean metropolitan area and the states of Michigan, Nebraska, New York, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Dakota and Wisconsin.USA

The health situation was considered overcome by the European Commission following messages from these countries after outbreaks of bird flu between March and June led to the suspension of poultry imports.

After the bird flu outbreak was reported in the Flevoland province of the Netherlands, the European Union established a new bird flu protection area and monitoring area within the EU framework.

The message detailed that the purpose of the measure is to “prevent any unnecessary disruption of trade within the EU and to prevent unreasonable obstacles to trade being imposed by third countries”.Efficon


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