Locarno Pro Announces First Look and Alliance 4 Development Award Winners

– The branch section of the Swiss festival also announced the winners of the first online restoration competition “Heritage”.

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On August 6, the Locarno Pro First Look jury, consisting of Ava Kahen, Gaia Furrer And Eugene Hernandezpresented the project with the Creativity Media First Look award, which covers services aimed at helping to complete the post-production of films, up to 50,000 euros. Mother Veraat the head Cecil Embleton And Alice Tomlinsonand produced Laura Shaham, from She Makes Productions. Moreover, No if or but To Sarah LewisDirected by director Felt Culture and co-produced by DoBeDo, it won both the €8,500 Jannuzzi Smith Award for International Poster Design and a prize presented by a leading trade magazine. french filmwhich consists of advertising spaces worth 5,600 euros.

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From August 4 to 6, as part of the 12th issue of First Look magazine, an audience of salespeople, buyers, programmers and post-production funders presented six UK works in progress. This year First Look was organized in collaboration with the British Film Institute (BFI) and funded by the National Lottery.

Meanwhile, Alliance 4 Development’s three-day joint development platform also ended yesterday. Paz Ta Maman To Michel Fluryproduced Felix Schreiber from Sommerhaus Filmproduktion, received the Alphapanda Market Breakout Award, consisting of consulting services worth 3,500 euros. Next, Youngdirector Despina Athanassiadis and produced Quentin DanielFrench company Wombat Films, won the DreamAgo residency as a script consultant, offered by the Valais Film Commission and costing CHF 5,000.

In addition, a MIDPOINT Consulting Award was presented for a comprehensive online scripting consultation with one of the MIDPOINT Institute experts. WHO/MANat the head Lorenz Merz and staging Michelle Pini, from 8 horses of Switzerland. Besides, Object a To Ann Orenproduced Christoph Gerega, Sophie Ahrens And Fabian Altenried for the German company Schuldenberg Films, received the Ticino Film Commission Residence Award, consisting of a two-day session to find a location (worth 4,000 Swiss francs) and a letter of intent for financial support of production equipment (worth up to 12,000 Swiss francs). if all or part of the film is filmed in Ticino.

Finally, Albert Cavalcanti1954 classic Mulcher de Verdad won the first ever online heritage restoration competition. The Brazilian film will enter a restoration process proposed by the Zurich-Berlin company Cinegrell, which should be completed by the first half of 2024. The restored film is slated to premiere on the festival’s next edition, in the Histoire(s) du cinéma: Heritage Online section.

The full list of this year’s winners is as follows:

first look

Creative Media First Look Award
Mother Vera – Cecil Embleton, Alice Tomlinson (UK)
Producer: Laura Shaham
Production company: She Makes Productions

Giannuzzi Smith Award
No if or but – Sarah Lewis (Great Britain)
Producer: Sarah Lewis
Manufacturing companies: Felt Culture, DoBeDo

Le Film Francais Award
No if or but — Sarah Lewis

Alliance 4 Development

Alphapanda Market Breakthrough Award
Paz Ta Maman – Michel Flury (Germany)
Producer: Felix Schreiber
Production company: Sommerhaus Filmproduktion

Script Consultant Residence at DreamAgo
Young – Despina Athanassiadis (France)
Producer: Quentin Daniel
Production company: Wombat Films

MIDPOINT Consulting Award
WHO/MAN – Lorenz Merz (Switzerland)
Producer: Michela Pini
Manufacturer: 8horses

Ticino Film Commission Residency Award
Object a –Ann Oren (Germany)
Producers: Christoph Gerega, Sophie Ahrens, Fabian Altenried
Production company: Schuldenberg Films

Heritage Restoration Online Competition
Mulcher de Verdad – Alberto Cavalcanti (Brazil)

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