What is Klebsiella and how is it spread? 5 keys

Klebsiella-type bacteria are microorganisms found in the human gut. There, bacteria are involved in the digestive process and even help protect the body from germs.

that bacteria is dangerous outside the intestines. If it gets to other parts of the body, it can cause an infection. Typically, they cause pneumonia, sepsis, wounds, and urinary tract infections. If left unchecked, these infections can kill the patient.One of the main problems with this bacterium is the difficulty of its treatment because it is resistant to most antibiotics.This bacterium is usually Contact with skin, mucous membranes, feces, wounds, or urine from an infected person.It is also usually spread by contact contaminated material Examples include catheters, probes or assisted ventilation or operating room surfaces.

Who is the most vulnerable?

this People with very low defense (such as premature babies, intensive care patients, etc.) are more susceptible to this bacteria.

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