What progress has been made in treatment?

The Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) reported that Global cancer cases will increase by 75% by 2030.mainly due to changes in lifestyle.

The highest incidence rates were seen today, and this prediction is being fulfilled, suggesting that the next few years One in two men and one in three women will develop cancer. “It is important to note that Treatment and diagnosis are becoming more effective“, cardiologist Nicolás González in Leandro Rudd exist night.

“Before, talking about the disease was a taboo subject, saying the word ‘cancer’ was tantamount to death. Today, more effective treatments are known and they are expected to become increasingly effective by 2050″He added.

On the other hand, the professional explained, the “future of medicine” has already progressed with different antibody treatments, that is, “identified specific treatments that block specific things.”

“Ten years from now, we will have treatments that are unimaginable today. Although the incidence of cancer will be more, it must also be clear that the treatment is more targeted’, he assured.

The importance of physical activity for cancer patients

According to a report published in today’s leading medical journal, The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), cancer patients experience better treatment outcomes when they engage in any physical activity.

“Cancer does not equal death, it can be treated, it can be stopped, you must continue to live, to be physically active, to work…a normal life”, Cardiologist Nicolás González is convinced C5N.

The main physical activity recommended for cancer patients is aerobic exercise, such as walking. “Walk 10,000 Steps a Day and You’re Already Starting to Reap the Benefits,” Having clarified the major, it is always recommended to do some research first.

The importance of getting the flu shot

The cardiologist explained that the flu virus is becoming more common in the population and that although it can cause death, he clarified that it was “in some patients”. “There are certain groups and groups of people who are at risk of severe flu, mainly people over 65 and people with certain underlying medical conditions, such as heart, lung, kidney or immune disease, that is, they do not have a good defense .”

“This is a group of people who do or do have to be vaccinated, not to never get flu again in their lifetime, but to reduce the risk of severe flu,” he said.

On the other hand, he recognized that while all vaccines can have adverse effects, there is no vaccine that cannot have them, But “for this population, the benefits far outweigh the risks”.

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