“We, fearless girls”, at the Arrischianti Municipal Theater in Sarteano

Saturday 11 March, at the Municipal Theater of Sarteano, at 21.15, “Noi, fearless girls” will be staged, a show that comes from the book of the same name by Daniela Palumbo (Piemme editore/Il battello a vapore), with illustrations by Francesca Protopapa, and which tells eight stories of women who fought bitter battles for justice: some of them won, others lost, but none retreated – even with skin-deep fear – in the face of those who prevented them to assert a right. The right to vote, to tell the truth, to be different, to refuse an abusive husband, to give your daughter a different future.

The show will stage 4 stories, 4 women and their emotional load. Franca Viola, Teresa Mattei, Alda Merini, Denise Garofalo: each one has a unique and special voice. It will be in that container of emotions, dreams, fears that the public will rediscover the moment in which they decided that nothing would ever be the same again in their existence.

The show, for narrator (Diana Manea) and violin (Renata Lacko), has the dramaturgy of Daniela Palumbo and the direction of Caterina Corsi.

Renata Lacko

The show is part of the single program of events sponsored by the Valdichiana Equal Opportunity Center for the “La donna al centro” initiative: again at the Arrischianti, within the program, on Wednesday 8 March there will be a screening, with free admission, of the film Joy, with Jennifer Lawrence, Robert De Niro and Bradley Cooper.

Admission: full 12 euros, members 10 euros
393 522 5730 (also w/a)

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