“That time with DiCaprio”: an intimate revelation of Antonella Elia

This is Antonella Mosetti today.

Antonella Mosetti – “Source: Video Mediaset / Morning Five” – ​​Newscinema.it

Here’s how Antonella Mosetti tanned today after she disappeared from television. It is completely unrecognizable, in fact, many are wondering if this is really her. What will ever happen to her to achieve such a transformation?

Antonella Mosetti he left everyone speechless, because after his disappearance from television, he is truly unrecognizable. Seeing her, the fans wondered what happened to her, because she Absolutely different.

For those who don’t remember her, Antonella Mosetti was face symbol until the early 2000s, which was highly coveted and popular. Exit from this is not raiwe have seen Mosetti in key programs such as Hello Darwin and Big Brother Veep, in 2016. After this last appearance, we never saw her again on TV. What happened to her?

After television, this became Antonella Mosetti

In fact, this sudden volatility from TV scenesdid not invade alone Antonella Mosettibut also his daughter Asia Nucchetelliwho, after appearing with her mother on Big Brother VIPtraces of her have been lost. It was her mother who said that the young woman, having understood how it works in that world, decided run away immediately from sets and samples.

This is what he declared Mosetti on his daughter Asia: “In my day, you stood in line for hours for auditions, and if you weren’t ready, you were treated badly. There was a huge selection, and today you became famous for spouting nonsense on social media, crazy. In any case, when Asia realized what the TV world was like, she saw fit to no longer be a part of it, and for this reason, I am the happiest mother in the world…”.

Today Asia Nucchetelli compete throughout Italy with three horses, thanks to her mother, she discovered this hobby as a little girl and since that day has not missed a single riding lesson. Nuccitelli very happy his life and does not spare television. Will Antonella Mosetti think the same way?

This is Antonella Mosetti today

Antonella Mosetti today – “Source: Instagram” – Newscinema.it

Very impressive transformation

After his disappearance from the world of television, Antonella Mosetti she revealed herself on social media and a fan asked, “Is that really her?” it’s unrecognizable and many criticize their attitude. As she herself stated, no one else was looking for him from television, for this reason she was “thrown” on social networks as influencersas well as opening your profile on Only fansthrough which we pay our bills.

Aesthetically, no one can tell her anything, since number of subscribers there are a lot of people who love her on social networks, and yet a lot of haters they do not miss the opportunity to insult her for too sexy poses or for trying to be young at 50, for excessive use of aesthetic retouching and so on. Just look any of his shots read these and many other criticismsopposed Mosetti.

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