Applicant mentions serious situation in capital, family asks him to be transferred to Córdoba – provincial media

The 22-year-old aspiring policeman was transferred to the provincial capital due to severe dehydration and potential acute kidney failure, and because of the severity of his condition, his relatives requested that he be transferred to a more complex center in Córdoba.

Applicant mentions serious situation in capital, family asks him to be transferred to Córdoba – provincial media

Alejandro, 22 years old, was first treated in our city hospital and then referred to the provincial capital “Villabarros” hospital with a presumptive diagnosis of acute renal failure. His family requested that he be taken away from Córdo Wa because it is very fragile.

Speaking to their colleague Nadia Araya from El expediente La Rioja, the family said they asked for data but “the commissioner in charge of all schools, Artaza, told us that they could not provide information.” The young man’s mother summed up what happened thing, “It all started on August 30th when we went to Chepes and rented a room with a bathroom so he could study and on Monday he went to school and when he came back he told me they put them Put in the yard, arms outstretched, they took them out into the fields for a nap, and when he came back, he didn’t come out of the bathroom, he was in the water, because he told me they didn’t give them water”.

According to the parent, “he had a wild fantasy of being a police officer and they were taken back to that scene the next day and he told them he felt terrible and there was a police officer acting as an instructor.” Took him to school and they left him there until 8pm, his dad went to him and he threw the bag away because he didn’t feel well, he drank the water and returned it, he told us he was thirsty “.

The next day, when he got up to go back to school, “he didn’t want to go, he told me he felt bad, so we took him to the hospital and the doctor who saw him told him he had high blood pressure” “It was stressful , he was dehydrated. After an analysis, they told him they were moving him because everything was not right.” After arriving in the capital, they immediately performed probes and intravenous injections. “Later, because his kidneys were failing, he was catheterized and even started dialysis. The doctor told us that the results were good, but they found that he had bilateral pneumonia.”

The family was notified on Saturday night that he was going to be “intubated, and they told us his blood wasn’t clotted, and we waited all day for a medical report, but nothing happened, neither the nurse nor the treating doctor told us they weren’t authorized ’” Commissioner Gustavo Artaza, director of the provincial police cadet school, reportedly told them, “the governor knows what’s going on.”

For all the above, given the lack of accurate information about what was happening, they demanded that it be handed over immediately to the province of Córdoba, “in short, they abandoned this person.” In the end, the mother bears what she has experienced Painful, she begged the government to heed her plea, “He is my only son and if anything happens to him I will die.”

Source: Chepes Metro Chepes Radio Station

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