Over 300,000 Tamaulipans affected by respiratory infection – EnLínea Directa.info

VICTORIA, TAMAULIPAS – Even high temperatures have failed to reduce acute respiratory infections in the population, with 351,753 people affected in Tamaulipas from January to date, according to a weekly report issued by the Secretary of Health through the Ministry of Health. effects of the above diseases. National Bulletin of Epidemiology.

Acute respiratory infection (ARI) is a group of diseases that occur in the respiratory system, caused by different microorganisms such as viruses and bacteria, with a sudden onset and a duration of no more than two weeks.

It should be pointed out that the risk of infection increases, especially the elderly and minors, so we must be alert to the symptoms of respiratory infections, influenza and other diseases.

According to agency evaluations; 90% of these diseases are caused by viruses and are mainly transmitted from person to person through saliva droplets discharged when talking, coughing or sneezing.

Although most HAIs are self-limiting (do not require drugs to cure), some can lead to serious complications such as pneumonia or death.

It is recommended that children and the elderly strengthen their defenses, eat more foods and supplements (fruits and vegetables) rich in vitamin C and A, and plenty of fluids, do not self-medicate, and see a doctor if they have a respiratory disease (fever) over 38°C, headache, sore throat, runny nose).

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