His phone was geolocated at Iztapalapa

after businessman inigo arenas found lifeless inside after herroys In Naucalpan, on the outskirts of the metropolitan area of ​​the state of Mexico, as new information continues to emerge, so do the questions.


This Tuesday they conducted a new search at Black Royce, the data in the video:

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Relatives and friends of the businessman assured Imagen Noticias that they had Information that the businessman’s mobile phone has been geolocated sometime in the morning at the mayor’s office istapalapa.Nearly 20 kilometers from the nightclub location Blake Royce.

Black Royce, table dance

On the social network, users claimed that Black Royce turned into a table dance after 8pm. Also, it’s known for its “afterparty” format, that is, for those who leave the party late at night or even in the morning.

On Tuesday, Heroys pledged on its social networks that it would cooperate with the authorities to clarify the businessman’s death.

Photo: Ricardo Vitra

case data

It is understood that businessman Inigo Arenas went to the República bar in the Polanco area on Saturday night and was taken away by security personnel at around 3 am.

Footage shows the businessman standing unsteadily in front of the bar.

A partner at República shared a video in which Inigo can be seen outside the bar, which the partner said they took him out of. 2:46 am

His family reported him missing early Sunday morning.

The mayor’s office said yesterday that he left the bar and headed to the streets of La Fontaine and Emilio Castellane to eat tacos at roadside stands.

until It’s 3:18. Then he drove to the nightclub Heroes of Naucalpan, Mexican state.

until 7:38 am Authorities received a call to report that a person (Inigo) was unconscious at the location.

Apparently, the businessman died of bronchial aspiration, He is near the emergency exit.


♬ Original Sound – Black Royce

Inigo Arenas’ body has been handed over to his relatives, but investigations continue.

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What is bronchial aspiration?

Aspiration is the inhalation of contents (usually liquid, food, or vomit) into the lungs rather than through the airway into the digestive tract. This can lead to serious respiratory problems such as aspiration pneumonia, which is an infection of the lungs caused by inhaling a foreign object.

Aspiration can be dangerous and, in severe cases, can lead to serious complications such as respiratory failure and severe pneumonia. However, aspiration deaths themselves are uncommon. Most people who wish can receive treatment and recover, especially if they are detected and treated quickly.

It is worth noting that the circumstances surrounding a wish, the person’s general health, and the speed with which they receive appropriate medical care play a crucial role in the evolution of the case.


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