Torrejon hospital warns of misuse of air conditioning MiraCorredor

The ENT service of the Hospital of Torrejon raises the alarm on the adverse effects of high temperatures in the main ally

Much of the peninsula has been affected by a new heat wave, bringing high temperatures and a very hot and dry continental air mass.Air conditioners are great for keeping indoor temperatures cool during the summer, especially during heat waves, but Excessive use and inappropriate settings can have negative health effects, especially on the respiratory tract.this is what he promised Otorhinolaryngology Service at the University Hospital of Torrejon.

“In the hottest months of the year, especially during heat waves, misuse of air conditioners increases the incidence of throat problems.” point Dr. Lorena Sanz, Head of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, University Hospital of Torrejón. «pharyngitis and Laryngitis is an increasingly common summer ailment due to temperature differences between enclosed spaces, high street temperatures, and abuse of air conditioning. Air conditioning,” he added.

Almost half of all households in Spain have air conditioning. The proportion increased even more in areas with the most extreme summer temperatures, as well as in offices, official territories, medical centres, transport and other public spaces. “Air conditioning can cause throat discomfort, the main symptoms being throat clearing, dryness, burning sensation, and persistent irritating cough.” Alert the doctor.

Respiratory and immune systems can be affected by the use of air conditioning: “Refrigerators expel cold air, Causes changes in the natural defenses of the nose and throat, Causes the cilia to lose their activity, and the normal circulation of the mucous membrane slows down or even stops completely,” said the head of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology at Torrejón University Hospital. In addition to granulation, the mucous membrane and pharynx are irritated. In the most severe cases, it can lead to bronchitis or pneumonia,” he added.

In the case of an air conditioning unit, Lorena Sanz It is recommended to keep the temperature between 22 and 26 degrees to avoid head and neck problems. Also, remember the importance of staying well hydrated to relieve a dry environment, even with a humidifier in your home or office.

Finally, it is pointed out that hygiene measures such as a balanced diet, frequent hand washing, regular cleaning of the air conditioner filter, and keeping the air from shining on the body are important. Factors that help us keep our throats in perfect condition During summer and heat waves.

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