Unknown superfood that aids weight loss due to its high fiber content

Unknown superfood that aids weight loss due to its high fiber content

Tag of “Superfood” It greatly helps us incorporate products that many of us are unaware of but already exist into our eating habits. Many properties of our body. This list is getting wider and wider, and among them we can find a large number of Foods that can help us lose weight.

The latest discovery is endive A vegetable belonging to the Asteraceae family. Lettuce, snails, artichokes or thistles are close relatives of this vegetable from the Mediterranean region.

This new vegetable has many nutritional properties, But if anything stands out, it’s the abundance of water including its composition and low energy value.two qualities that make it a vegetable Great for people who want to lose weight However, in order to take full advantage of its many properties, it is important to choose the freshest, healthiest, hardest and best colored leaves if we do not want to emphasize its bitterness.

chicory properties

  • its role Drainage, purification and diuresis Making this food an excellent ally in avoiding fluid retention and promoting weight loss. It also has an astringent, sanitizing and detoxifying effect thanks to tannins.

  • One of the most abundant ingredients in this vegetable is fructooligosaccharide and inulin, two natural forms of dietary fiber. This rich fiber content is great for weight loss because it works by regulating ghrelin, which is closely related to satiety and appetite control.

  • The presence pectin Its ingredients interfere with carbohydrate absorption and reduce sweet tooth cravings.

  • Stimulates liver drainage.

  • his laxative effect It helps to cleanse the intestines and facilitates the digestive process. In addition, chicory is also helpful in fighting acne due to its antiseptic and antioxidant properties.

  • helps prevent constipate and intestinal inflammation.

  • It absorbs important nutrients like calcium and iron, promotes fluid removal, and helps the blood accumulate glucose in the form of glycogen.Therefore, it is fight disease Examples include hepatitis, gastritis, cholesterol, diabetes, cystitis, or arteriosclerosis.

As you can see, this is a food Integrate perfectly into your diet, Whether you want to lose weight or not, there are certain issues you must take into account. It has strong diuretic and choleretic effects, so it is necessary to reduce its consumption.limit at four cups a day. Neither should people who have trouble sleeping or who suffer from gout, arthritis, kidney spasms, low blood pressure, or digestive problems.

How to Eat Chicory?

Chicory is an excellent ingredient that imparts flavor and potency salad.best choice Inner leaf It must be properly washed, chopped and mixed with other ingredients to suit the diner. To lighten the bitterness, we can add a little garlic, oil or vinegar.can also do Cooked, Baked or Bakedlike any other vegetable.

Another way to take advantage of all its features is to prepare rich infusion. Bring water and a teaspoon of chicory to a boil, cook for one minute, and cook for another ten minutes. This way, the liquid gets all its flavor.

he chicory coffeeis made from its root and is another most commonly used recipe. Simply dry them in the oven and mash them until they take on the appearance of ground coffee. From here, it is enough to follow the traditional refinement of coffee. It can also be mixed with equally healthy ingredients such as honey, ginger, cinnamon or milk, which will add their respective nutrients to the dish.

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