Tourism in Africa: here are the most beautiful and visited places

Treat yourself trip to africa This is a gift that is appropriate to give at least once in a lifetime. This continent, the cradle of mankind, is a place rich in naturalistic and cultural beauty. Because Africa is such a vast land, it can be difficult to make the right choice of stops to visit.

Before choosing them, it is desirable to understand The type of trip you want to experience. You can choose among others between family trips, group trips to discover the main cultural and architectural wonders of the cities and safaris, not plus ultra for those who love nature.

As for the safari, which is undoubtedly one of the most exciting and sought-after types of travel on the African continent, there are many destinations to consider here, and, as we read further, stograntour.comone of the most famous tour operators in the industry, you can visit them at different times of the year.


With this necessary prerequisite in the following lines, let’s look at a small list of destinations worth including on your itinerary. Maybe they can be divided into several trips so that there is another opportunity to return to Africa!


There Namibia An African country that a few years ago was in the center of world news due to the fact that it was very much loved by the former golden couple of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, who chose this African country for the birth of their first child. daughter together, Shiloh Nouvel.

The actress then chose Namibia and in later years as a reference point for some of her projects aimed at preservation of the forest heritage.

Among the main milestones to consider when visiting the country are undoubtedly the national parks. Among the most famous are Sesriem National Park. Here you absolutely cannot help admiring Deadvlei, a hollow known for having a suggestive expanse of white sand.


There Tanzania this is the right African country to visit if you like safari. Among the best places to experience them we find the Serengeti and Ngorongoro plains. Known for having the largest mountain on the continent, Kilimanjaro, this country is also the perfect choice for those who want to indulge in a relaxing beach holiday. Here, in fact, is the wonderful island of Zanzibar, one of the most popular destinations for fans of beach holidays.


Madagascar is a country known as the fourth largest island in the world. What must you see if you choose this country for a trip to Africa? The ideal starting point is city ​​of Antsirananaa place famous for having a huge bay, comparable throughout the world to the bay of Rio de Janeiro.

Moving east, you can discover one of the most enchanting natural parks on the entire African continent: the Marožeji National Park. Less well known than others in Madagascar, it is characterized by a very high level of biodiversity.

Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2007, this Madagascar park is particularly famous for being home to a very rare species of lemur: the silky sifaka.


Another fantastic country worth discovering if you are into safari. Kenya allows you to admire unique moments that characterize the rhythms of nature. There are examples? Wildebeest migration in the Masai Mara AND Elephants solemnly move against the backdrop of Kilimanjaro.

Even so, there is no shortage of opportunities for those wishing to spend a beach holiday. Kenya is really rich charming beaches. Among the most beautiful, in addition to the famous malindi, Worth mentioning Maungu beach where wonderful atolls emerge from the sea at low tide.

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