Does the virus affect humans?

small island Gorgon has reported his second bird flu outbreak five months later.The situation has killed at least 92 birdsLuis Olmedo Martínez, director of the National Natural Park of Colombia, explained that this has drawn the attention of Colombian authorities.

Given this situation, there is growing concern about the possibility of the virus eventually infecting humans And cause epidemics that seriously affect the population.

It is therefore worth mentioning that the disease can infect humans but is not transmitted to humans through consumption of poultry meat and its by-products. Therefore, there is no danger in consuming these foods. Additionally, it should be noted that the risk of transmission to humans is fairly low, according to the National Institutes of Health (INS).

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Avian influenza (AI) is a viral disease that affects domestic and wild birds and may occasionally affect contacts, caused by multiple subtypes (H5N1, H5N3, H5N8) whose genetic characteristics evolve rapidly.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the spectrum of disease caused by human infection with the H5N1 bird flu virus is currently unknown. However, The severity of human infection with avian influenza viruses ranges from asymptomatic or mild cases to severe cases leading to death.

Some common symptoms may be Fever, cough, sore throat and muscle aches, eye infections, pneumonia and severe respiratory illness, among other serious and fatal complications.

People get infected with avian influenza primarily through direct contact with infected animals (live or dead) or their contaminated environment. The virus is transmitted to humans when the secretions or feces of infected birds are inhaled or when the virus enters the mouth, nose or eyes.

In addition, wild waterfowl are important reservoirs of influenza A virus, and poultry populations may become infected through contact with wild birds.

To date, there have been no reports of sustained human-to-human transmission of avian influenza viruses. A(H5N8), A(H5N2) or A(H5N1) Whether in Latin America or around the world. In the 19 years from 2003 to 2022, only 868 cases of human infection with bird flu were reported worldwide.

In Colombia, the National Statistical Institute convened a technical meeting to integrate efforts between public institutions, universities and scientific associations to contribute to surveillance and surveillance actions for AH5N1 avian influenza within the One Health framework.

Agency pledges surveillance for respiratory virus in poultry or swine workers As already mentioned, until mid-January the transmission of AH5N1 was ruled out through laboratory monitoring and analysis of 174 samples in the country through the INS.

Likewise, the Immigration Service conducts special monitoring and monitoring of cases among health workers and travelers from areas with a high epidemic history or a very high probability of exposure.

The general director, Giovanny Rubiano García, assured before the panorama, “There is no need to panic, but to be prepared. The idea of ​​the technical sheet is to strengthen the Preparedness for Avian Influenza”.

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