Arroyo confirms that “Formosa has had no cases of hepatitis A in children and adults for many years”

public health

Arroyo confirms that “Formosa has had no cases of hepatitis A in children and adults for many years”

Director of the Immunization Department of the Provincial Human Development Department, Postgraduate Julio Arroyo,Confirmed to be Morning Live “Many years ago there were no cases of hepatitis A among children and adults in Formosa, clarifying that this infection was the most common among other types of viral hepatitis until the advent of the vaccine, which was given only once a year from birth.

In the framework of World Hepatitis Day, which is celebrated on July 28, Arroyo noted that there are five different classifications of the disease, specifically viruses A, B, C, D and E, which can spread in different places. method.

Type A and E viruses are acquired by eating contaminated food or water.In this case, the virus enters through the oral route. In contrast, hepatitis B and C are contracted through contact with bodily fluids, mainly blood. That said, the most common cause of contracting these viruses is through unprotected sexual contact, sharing short, sharp objects such as razors, pliers or needles,” he noted.


In her statement, Arroyo reported that the official schedule included two hepatitis vaccines; A single dose of the hepatitis A vaccine given in the first year of lifewhich prevented him from contracting this type of infection, which, according to him, was the most common infection before the vaccine, and that “newborns received hepatitis B doses consecutively for 2 months, 4 months before discharge from the hospital. month, 6 months and again at 15 months”

In response, officials confirmed that “thanks to the vaccine and strict adherence to the official calendar, no cases of hepatitis A in children and adults have been recorded in provincial statistics for many years.”

Arroyo concluded by mentioning that hepatitis B and C are the most contagious and silent, and in some cases even co-exist in the body without symptoms.

“Since last Monday, all health care providers, hospitals and health centers across the province, Applying for free and free hepatitis B dosesgenerally recommended to the public.”

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