They call for conjunctivitis prevention; Yucatan cases rise

Merida, Uquera – National Epidemiological Surveillance System (sinaway) notice that in the last week 356 cases of conjunctivitis in the Yucatan Peninsula,in 11,000 315 people infected So far this year.

Since the beginning of this year, a total of 509,825 confirmed cases have been confirmed across the country, an increase of 67.64% over the 304,117 cases in the same period in 2022.

Occupied by the Yucatan Peninsula twelfth place less common, with 11,000 315 people infectedCompared with the 9,648 infected people in 2022, this is an increase of 17.28%, which is the highest number of infected people so far in 2020.

The Secretariat of Health of the Yucatan Peninsula (SSY) reported that last week confirmed 356 new cases The total number of infections in the region so far this year has reached 11,315. This increase is especially pronounced during the hot season.

health measures

Following the outbreak of the disease, the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) in Yucatan state advised the general public to take extreme hygiene measures.

Ophthalmologist Verónica Romero Vázquez is convinced that conjunctivitis can be caused by a virus or bacteria and starts in the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose.

Experts stress that conjunctivitis can be prevented with simple everyday actions, such as:

  • wash your hands frequently
  • avoid touching eyes
  • Do not share personal hygiene items such as: towels, make-up or make-up

Allergic conjunctivitis develops suddenly due to exposure to substances that trigger an instantaneous reaction, such as dust, pollen, animal hair, cosmetics, etc.


The main symptoms are swelling, itching, and redness of the eyelids.

There is also bacterial conjunctivitis, which manifests as eyelid inflammation, often with a yellow-green discharge, and upon waking the eyelids stick together and scab.

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