“I took off that damn coat and started riding again”

Kate Winslet recently revealed she nearly drowned while filming Titanic: “I didn’t want to look like a coward, so I started filming again.”

Titanic, Kate Winslet nearly drowned: 'I took off that damn coat and started shooting again'

During a recent interview Kate Winslet with Stephen Colbert, the British star has revealed she’s starring Titanic it wasn’t quite what it seemed: apparently, her experience on set mirrored the film in a less-than-positive way, to the point where the actress nearly drowned during filming.

Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet in Titanic

Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet in Titanic

When the presenter asked Winslet to confirm the rumor that she had contracted pneumonia on set, the actress replied in the negative, specifying that she had had an episode of hypothermia:No, there is no pneumonia, but I’m really cold.! At this point, Colbert asked Kate to explain why the water on set was so cold. Her answer?There was so much water that they couldn’t heat it all up, it was too much to keep the temperature comfortable..”

However, during an interview with the Los Angeles Times in 1997, the actress, who was only 22 at the time, described the shoot as “difficult experience”, talking about various injuries and, in particular, about one episode that was simply terrifying. In the scene in question, Rose and Jack tried to dodge the wave as they made their way through the ship, only to run into a closed gate.

Titanic in 3D: Kate Winslet, Leonardo DiCaprio and James Cameron on the set of Titanic

Titanic in 3D: Kate Winslet, Leonardo DiCaprio and James Cameron on the set of Titanic

As the team opened the gate, Kate Winslet’s heavy coat got caught, causing her to drown under the churning water. “I had to take off that damn coat to get free.“, – recalls the star.I no longer had air. I thought I was drowning. And Jim just said, “Okay, let’s do it again.” He was like that. I didn’t want to sound like a coward, so I didn’t complain, took off my coat and started shooting again..”

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