Selena Gomez, her 5 most loved nail art by followers ideal for spring

Despite the rapid success and immediate attempts to replicate, however, she is not Selena’s most loved manicurist by her followers. According to the data of a research carried out by, in fact, there are other nail art unlined by the singer who have garnered greater consensus on Instagram. Or rather, more likes.

The English platform dedicated to the nail world has in fact analyzed well 198 nail designs sported by the star, and then posted on Instagram by its author, Tom Bachik, to draw up the ranking of the most popular proposals based on the number of likes. The results are somewhat surprising because the top five positions are dominated by classic, traditional proposals that are not excessively spectacular as one might suppose. But without a doubt perfect ideas for this spring.

In fact, the winner is the single colortestimony of his incurable appeal despite the more playful, scenographic, sometimes eccentric and then the French manicuredeclined both in a more gritty and rock version, and in a more classic, chic and refined one.

All that remains is to discover the first five places and get inspired with some proposals to replicate the looks.

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