Five Tips for Lowering Stress Levels at Work, Harvard University Proposes

Stress is so pervasive in our everyday lives that it has been recognized as a habit when viewed from a given situation, and unfortunately for those of us who suffer from it, it is a habit. Habits that Accelerate Aging Vitónica experts say.

according to a Research published in the journal Cell Metabolism Recently, the presence of stressors increases biological age, accelerates aging, increases Risk of Morbidity and Mortality. But let’s not get our hands over our heads just yet, because the same study states that “biological age returns when the stressful situation disappears and the body recovers from the stress it endured.”

So we just need to lower those stress levels. The bad thing is, so many times in life pass us by that we don’t always know how to keep stress from getting to us. Luckily Harvard is.

Through the Harvard Health Center, Harvard University published a guide called Stress management – ​​improve your health by reducing stress and building resiliencewhich compiles a series of suggestions for reducing the stress in our working lives.

same time We are committed to personal development, the important thing is that the change is gradual, we are not trying to go from zero to 100 overnight.that’s why we tell you Five Harvard tips for reducing stress at work that you can apply to your everyday life in easy ways.

Tips to reduce stress at work

Start your day early so you don’t have an early morning run

It only takes 10 or 15 minutes to produce results. We’re not telling you to wake up at 4 a.m. like a tech mogul, but to set your alarm ten minutes earlier so your day doesn’t start off busy, but rather in a calmer way. For example, you can use this time to have a leisurely breakfast while catching up on the news.

Prioritizing your priorities is key to reducing stress

Harvard tells us Take a look at our priorities and delegate or drop unnecessary tasks. It is important that before starting the day, we are able to make a to-do list, where each task is prioritized, because working time is limited and we may not be able to complete all tasks.

That’s why it’s ideal to plan work in segments and assign different priorities to tasks. Like Monica Geller making her to-do list and crossing it off. The ones you don’t really need today, put them at the end of the list.

divide and conquer

You may only have one project, and seeing the whole project can often be overwhelming, so We’ll divide the project into microtasks, starting with smaller, more understandable pieces.something similar to the premise Book atomic habit what are we talking about herewho do the smallest task to avoid, e.g. procrastination.

regular break

No, we’re not talking 10 breakfast trips to the bar, but getting up regularly to stretch your legs, walk to the water cooler or just chat with a co-worker for a few minutes. Taking regular breaks helps us reduce stress.

Apart from, Short breaks have been scientifically proven to help the brain Learn new things because when you stop, the brain engages in a quick mental “replay” that reinforces the newly acquired skill.

Reduce consumption of refined sugar

Sugar can exacerbate symptoms of stress by causing a crash in mood and energy, explains Harvard University.Therefore, eating buns in the morning is not the wisest way.instead It is recommended to eat nuts between meals. Not only because they are healthier, but because they have a positive effect on stress.

photos | thought catalog Christina and free stock exist unsplash

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