What’s the best way to prevent flu?

It is a highly contagious respiratory disease caused by the influenza virus. It can be mild, but in some cases very serious with complications, especially in certain high-risk groups.

There has been a massive increase in cases in recent months. They started appearing earlier than expected in AMBA and several provinces in the center and north of the country, causing fears among health authorities.

What’s the best way to prevent flu?

Influenza must be taken seriously

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), influenza kills 290,000 to 650,000 people worldwide each year from respiratory illnesses and causes 3 to 5 million severe cases.

Although many times (especially post-pandemic) influenza and its effects are minimized, it is a very serious disease. It causes thousands of deaths, hospitalizations and complications each year around the world and can be prevented through vaccination.

Vaccination Program

The country has begun public flu vaccinations, which for experts are the best way to prevent severe flu. Publicly administered vaccines are trivalent.

Flu vaccination is essential for those at high risk because it guarantees protection against complications, hospitalization, and one of the severe respiratory illnesses that have the greatest impact on personal and public health.

The flu vaccine is included in the national vaccination calendar and includes the most vulnerable groups, which are:

  • over 65 years old
  • health personnel
  • Pregnant women (during any trimester of pregnancy, to protect mother and baby during the first few months)
  • Within 10 days after delivery by the mother (if not received during pregnancy)
  • Children 6 to 24 months
  • People between the ages of 2 and 64 with chronic diseases (respiratory diseases, heart disease, diabetes, immune disorders, obesity, etc.)

Different Types of Flu Vaccines Available in Argentina

Trivalent vaccine: Protects against two influenza A viruses (H1N1 and H3N2) and one influenza B virus.

They are free for high-risk groups and offer pediatric, adult and adjuvant presentations (adjuvants that help boost the immune response) for those over 65 years of age.

Quadrivalent (or quadrivalent) vaccines: Protection against two influenza A viruses (H1N1 and H3N2) and two influenza B viruses.

There are also children’s and adult versions, and this year two different types are offered based on production technology. These were developed using traditional egg production techniques.

This year, the first flu vaccine, developed using cell culture technology, became available in the country, but only on the private market, the cost of which depends on health insurance coverage.

The flu shot can be given with other calendar vaccines including the COVID-19 vaccine. These vaccines are safe and effective, and are approved and recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). In addition to complying with the quality and safety controls required by ANMAT.

How Flu or Influenza Spreads

Influenza viruses are mainly spread from person to person through the coughing and sneezing of an infected person. These expelled saliva droplets are a few microns in diameter and are expelled during coughing and sneezing.

In addition, it can also spread through contaminated elements such as surfaces, cutlery, light bulbs, plates, and to a lesser extent, airborne (as is the case with COVID-19).

Therefore, prevention is first of all vaccination, and at the same time keeping a social distance from infected people to avoid being hit by sprayed saliva droplets.

Common Care to Consider

  • Cough into your elbow to limit the spread of these droplets
  • wash your hands frequently
  • Do not share utensils, plates or other utensils, such as bombs, with your partner
  • The chin strap also acts as an effective preventive

How to Know If It’s the Flu

According to the Ministry of Health, the influenza virus is the main cause of flu symptoms, mainly affecting the nose, throat, bronchi and occasionally the lungs.

It usually lasts for a week and is characterized by sudden onset of:

  • high fever
  • Muscle pain
  • Headache
  • general malaise
  • dry cough
  • sore throat
  • rhinitis

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