Mexico promotes free program to eliminate hepatitis C –

The federal government, through the Ministry of Health, highlighted the achievements of the free hepatitis C elimination program, the first of its kind in Latin America. Undersecretary for Prevention and Health Promotion Hugo López-Gatel Ramirez recalled that in 2020 Mexico launched a national strategy to eliminate hepatitis C. This includes free access to testing and medicines, inter-agency integration of action and information. “With timely use of medicines, treatment options can cure and the virus will disappear,” he said.

Hepatitis C Program Achievements

Within the framework of World Hepatitis Day, the federal agency highlighted the benefits of the program. Among them, the number of health units carrying out hepatitis C virus (HCV) testing has increased from 42 in 2020 to 629 this year. In addition, the agency reported that 2,003,560,393 tests for HCV testing have been performed since 2022. Of the total number of tests mentioned above, 28,00978 people tested positive; they received medication and have recovered. Currently, 22,000 748 people are receiving treatment. This process was assisted by remote instruction from the National Center for HIV and AIDS Prevention and Control (Censida), directed by Alethse de la Torre Rosas.

Drugs are the main source of risk

Likewise, the official highlighted that of the nearly 1,700,000 new HCV infections registered in Mexico, 23% were due to the use of injectable drugs such as opioids, cocaine, sleeping pills, amphetamine stimulants, hallucinogens and tranquilizers . Another form of contagion is sex under the influence of psychoactive substances. Injecting drug use is an addictive substance that enters the body through contaminated syringes and sharp instruments, so there is a risk of infection with bacteria and viruses such as hepatitis C.

its consequences

One of the risks of leaving hepatitis C untreated is liver damage, which can lead to cirrhosis years later. as well as loss of liver function and cancer. According to the Ministry of Health, “85% of people, almost 9 out of 10, are caused by this chronic infection.” Therefore, we urge the public, especially those with risk factors, to request a hepatitis C test. “Those who require more information or guidance regarding this infection can call 55 1946 9772, or email,” the agency stressed.

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