I’m the Captain (2023) Matteo Garrone


The film follows the adventurous journey of Seydou and Moussa, two young men who leave Dakar to reach Europe: along the way, they both have to face the dangers of the desert, the horrors of Libyan detention centers and the dangers of the sea.


I'm the captain movie poster



Original name: I am the captain
Director: Matthew Garrone
Country/year: Belgium, France, Italy / 2023
Type: Dramatic
Throw: Hichem Yacoubi, Bamar Kane, Adbella Elbkiri, Affif Ben Badra, Ali Nyang, Babakar Diop, Beatrice Gnonko, Didier Njikam, Dudu Sanya, Emily Adams, Floor B.B. Kabore, Joe Lassana, Joseph Beddelem, Mariam Kaba, Mustafa Fall, Umar Diao , Princess Erika, Taha Benaim, Venus Guie
Screenplay: Nicola Di Robilant, Chiara Leonardi, Massimo Gaudioso, Matteo Garrone, Massimo Cecherini, Andrea Tagliaferri
Photo: Paul Carnera
Assembly: Marco Spoletini
Music: Andrea Farri
Director: Philip Logi, Joseph Rushop, Ardavan Safai, Matteo Garrone, Paolo Del Brocco
Distribution: Voo & Be tv, Proximus, Radio Télévision Belge Francophone (RTBF), Ciné+, Archimede, Canal+, Pathé, Rai Cinema, Tarantula, Logical Content Ventures

Release date: 07/09/2023


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