The Garlic Clove Trick Under the Pillow

place a Garlic cloves to put under the pillow can provide some health benefitsIn addition to incorporating it into the diet, it’s spread around the world as a popular belief, experts say.

Garlic is a very special taste and aroma. As such, it has been used for centuries as a seasoning in a vast array of dishes, from oriental to Mediterranean.

However, it is also used to select part of the food group home remediesready to cure flu, cold, coughand as a “pill” reduce tensionwhich they interpret as Food Network.

Place garlic cloves under the pillow.

Place garlic cloves under the pillow.

Garlic, a good helper in the kitchen

It’s a food that can Eat raw or cooked.

  • raw: Mixed with peppers and other ingredients in sauces; it is added to butter or a spread on bread.
  • cooked: For example, to enhance the flavor of meat, chicken and fish.

In any case, in the vast world of gastronomy, experimentation is the rule, and some prefer to use their teeth integerothers cut into small pieces or chunksand even broken to release all the juices.

Garlic is used in cooking both at home and in restaurants. Photo: Martín Bonetto.

Garlic is used in cooking both at home and in restaurants. Photo: Martín Bonetto.

Health Benefits of Garlic

Garlic is a whole food that can provide many benefits in a healthy diet, the website Better results with AS Health Summarize:

  • It can contain up to 100 kcal per 100 grams.In any case, it consumes Does not cause weight gain.
  • Garlic is a complex carbohydrates.
  • Include B vitamins and minerals Essential substances such as sodium, potassium and magnesium are key to good health.
Garlic can be used to treat colds, flu by clearing the airways. PhotoShutterstock.

Garlic can be used to treat colds, flu by clearing the airways. PhotoShutterstock.

Most of Garlic’s Health Benefits Are Linked to Its Content Allicin, a sulfur compound Concrete obtained when fresh garlic is peeled and cut.

In addition, it can also be used for Treat disease infectionYou have to take advantage of it in some way.

Not all allicin can go wrong in all cases, but it must be used in the following cases: determined background the benefits of being able to rely on it

Admittedly, scientific studies still have issues to clarify due to lack of evidence, but this is always important before making any health-related decisions Please consult your doctor first.

properties of garlic. PhotoShutterstock

properties of garlic. PhotoShutterstock

Why sleeping with garlic under your pillow is good for you

In order to reap the benefits of garlic, many people talk about putting a clove of garlic under the pillow for the purpose of Get a good night’s sleep.

Scientific explanations show that, Sulfur compounds in garlic give off they will help Clear airways.

In this way, I will play sedative effect this induces deep and restful sleepdescribing the site Towards health.

The inevitable question arises immediately, how to get used to its particular smell, especially when one shares a bed with someone. The answer is simple: over time, it won’t be a problem.

They assert that placing a garlic bulb under the pillow can promote deep, restful sleep. PhotoShutterstock.

They assert that placing a garlic bulb under the pillow can promote deep, restful sleep. PhotoShutterstock.

In addition to helping to improve sleep, it can also Replenishes energy and improves daily physical performance Better equipped to face today’s often stressful job.

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