What’s the matter with the paranasal sinuses?

Pressure from inflammation near the upper molar nerve can cause temporary pain, especially when chewing.

During a cold or flu, even healthy teeth can be prone to oral problems due to tooth pain due to sinus inflammation. Photo: Shutterstock.

During a cold or flu, you may experience pain inside teeth, even in those well-conditioned cases.This phenomenon may be related to inflammation paranasal sinuses, which favors the development of certain oral diseases. Why this happens is explored below, along with suggestions for easing the discomfort.

Why does sinusitis cause toothache?

As mentioned above, the link between colds, flu, and flu pain Dentistry is through paranasal sinuses, a cavity located in the posterior part of the maxilla. These cavities allow breathed air to flow from the nose to the lungs.

In the case of a cold or flu, very common paranasal sinuses Swell, creating congestion and stress in the area.due to its proximity nerve Pressure on the upper molars temporarily affects the teeth,lead to painespecially when chewing.

In addition, the typical nasal congestion during these breaths can lead to increased mouth breathing, which increases the risk of dry mouth and irritation. Staying well hydrated is essential to avoid this dryness.

How to relieve pain?

if he pain Toothache accompanies cold, flu, or sinus symptoms such as sinus congestion and pressure. paranasal sinusesthe problem may be related to teeth Then relieve by relieving sinus pressure. To do this, you can follow these tips:

Consult a doctor: It is important to seek the advice of a health professional as they can prescribe an appropriate decongestant. Some of these medicines are available in pharmacies without a prescription. Also, pain medication may help relieve pain in some cases. pain.

Continuous hydration: Increasing your water intake is essential to staying well hydrated, which will help reduce dry mouth.

humidifier: Using a humidifier in the patient’s environment can help humidify the air and remove dry secretions that may accumulate in the maxillary sinuses.

Other Important Considerations

In addition to these tips, there are other aspects that must be considered for oral health during a respiratory infection:

To replace your toothbrush: Replace your toothbrush if you have a bacterial infection teeth This is important once the infection is over because bacteria can survive on the brush and prolong recovery time.

Good oral hygiene: It is crucial to maintain proper oral hygiene at all times, especially during respiratory infections, to avoid complications and prevent recurrence.

Avoid brushing your teeth right away: If the flu course includes vomiting, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with water or milk instead of brushing your teeth. teeth Instantly protects tooth enamel.

in short, pain of teeth during a cold or flu is due to inflammation paranasal sinuses and how close it is to nerve dentistry.However, this pain It is usually temporary and reversible. Always seek medical attention if symptoms persist or are severe.

References are here, here and here.

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