Luis Miguel to go to Chile hospital for flu photo: report

According to news posted on social networks by journalist Cecilia Gutierrez and reports from various media outlets, singer Luis Miguel had to go to the hospital urgently after arriving in Santiago, Chile. He was reportedly treated for flu-like symptoms, and Mexico’s Soleil Orchestra played his first concert in the Chilean capital without any problems.

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Luis Miguel concluded his 10 shows last Friday (18 August) in Buenos Aires, from where he flew to Santiago to perform another 10 concerts in the Chilean capital as planned. The singer reportedly arrived in the country with his partner, Paloma Cuevas, at dawn on Saturday, August 19, avoiding the media swarm. At that time he had to go to the hospital.

Gutierrez, a prominent Chilean entertainment journalist who calls herself “Miss Bologna,” wrote in a story on her Instagram account: “The singer would have gone to the emergency room of a clinic in the East because he found a viral photo. “

This trip to the hospital was before his first concert in San Diego on the evening of August 21st. On social networks, fans in Santiago have posted videos of the singer’s debut in the country and apparently everything is going well.

Also read: Luis Miguel adds Dallas date to 2024 tour

Many media outlets in Mexico and Chile reported the news. The singer is reported to be completely out of danger as he just feels unwell and has a noticeable fever, so there is no fear that he will cancel his debut in Chile, let alone the upcoming concert.

Luis Miguel will give a total of 10 concerts in Santiago, the last on September 6th. He will then fly to the United States and start his American tour in Las Vegas on September 15. The singer’s first concert is scheduled for Oct. 19 at the American Airlines Center in Dallas, and a new date for 2024 was recently announced.

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