Tips to save on history’s most expensive ‘back-to-school’ fee: ‘About 75%’ – La Lanterna

We are in the last days of August, which means summer is over. For many, the first thing that comes to mind is definitely “back to work”, but those with kids also think “back to school”. As the course progresses, so does the list of books to buy, all against the backdrop of general inflation, where the prices of many things skyrocket, and school supplies are no exception.So this year the Spaniards will face One of the most expensive school trips in historyThis situation is becoming a headache for many families.

Between buying books, pens, folders, notebooks, and in some cases uniforms, most babies, smocks, gym clothes, and other school supplies, An average family spends 500 euros per child. This means that it was 24 euros more than two years ago. If we look abroad, we pay 30% more than other countries like France, Italy or Germany.If we add these costs to costs associated with school activities, such as enrolment, the school canteen, buses or electronic equipment, the cost can Up to EUR 2,186 per child school age.

In order to save some costs, in many families You choose to find used books, and to find them, there are apps and even platforms that help families with this task. One of these is La Plataforma del Estudiante, the largest bookstore in Spain specializing in the purchase and sale of textbooks.His agent, Alberto de la Cruz, explained in The Lantern “More and more people are coming because it’s an important savings Now people are no longer spending money stupidly.”

“Prices are a scandal”

Alberto explained that thanks to the company’s approach, each household “expects to save around 75% because They sell books they no longer need and take the opportunity to buy books for the next school year“. According to the person in charge, the requirement for selling books is “normal use, if there is an underline, we will give you a little less, but it must be in a state that can be used again.”

Organizing a return to school is complicated for all families. Marigen Frisa, a Zaragoza mother of two daughters who are about to start grades 3 and 6, told the microphone of La Lanterna: “The price is a scandal”. In her case, Marigen explained, they “noted the rise” because “their wages between the two of them were about 700 euros, and last year each girl’s salary was reduced by about 100 euros.” told about Many books are new this yearso they couldn’t make the younger ones inherit the clothes of the older ones, although luckily they were able to continue the trick when it came to clothes.

Another conundrum that has arisen these months for some parents is school uniforms. Silvia Ponsich, owner of “La Casa de las Batas”, told La Linterna that “the price increase was already evident last year and this year sales are going well, but people always wait until the last minute”.He explained that leaving an ordinary family “About 100 euros, but it depends a lot on the school”and details of last year’s uniform Up “5% to 10%”“.

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