Dog Conjunctivitis: Learn How to Recognize and Prevent This Infection

animal welfare

Conjunctivitis in dogs is one of the most common infections and one of the most common reasons for consulting a veterinarian. Let’s find out how to recognize it and how to prevent it in our pets in the notes.

Eye redness or discharge is a very common symptom in pets and is believed to be the cause of the illness in pets. conjunctivitis.Let’s see in the comments what other ways we can identify this health issue puppy and how to prevent it.

most common symptoms

  • Redness of the sclera (white area of ​​the eye): The body works hard to bring more blood and more defense to the area.
  • Excessive tearing: This means that it is a form of self-defense by the organism itself against some strange event.
  • Green conjunctiva (viral or bacterial conjunctivitis)
  • eye pain: Pets don’t want to open their eyes or touch it with their paws afterwards.
  • Photosensitivity: When the conjunctiva becomes inflamed, too much light can be uncomfortable.
  • eyelid inflammation or Blepharitis: In some cases, the first ones were able to stick around because of legal implications.


  1. allergy: From allergic reactions such as exposure to irritating plants, insect bites, mites or pollen; Commercial agents such as cosmetic or cleaning products.
  2. Wilka: That is, caused by a virus (distemper), which is more difficult to treat than the previous one; but more worrisome.
  3. bacteria: It is highly contagious and is not considered to be a symptom of any systemic disease or a secondary symptom of a systemic disease.
  4. Keratoconjunctivitis: Also known as dry eye, it is considered a common infection in dogs. Produces fewer tears, damages the cornea and conjunctiva due to chronic inflammation.

How to prevent dog conjunctivitis?

To prevent household pets from catching this virus, here are some tips you can follow, which we’ll detail below:

  • To clean your dog’s eyes regularly: For this, gauze and saline should be used. This will help remove rhubarb and dirt buildup from your dog’s inflamed eye area.
  • cut the hair around the eyes Protect the eye area from foreign substances or dirt, as appropriate.
  • Place in high and safe place this chemical, cleaning or cosmetic Keep pets’ corneas from allergic reactions.
  • Bring your pet to your Make an appointment with your veterinarian.
  • Try to give your dog a daily balanced diet As well as high-quality nutrients that are beneficial for physical development and strengthening the immune system.

In this way, there is a way to prevent conjunctivitis exist puppyAs well as its possible causes and types, all those responsible for such pets should know.

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