“I’ll never get fat for a movie again”

Charlize Theron one of the most beloved and respected actresses in the world. Her multifaceted acting skills have allowed her to shine in many different films. From the action movie “Woman” Atomic Blonde serial killer in Monsters young mother suffering from postpartum depression in Tully. It was for these last two roles that the actress had to gain a lot of weight, which she explained in a conversation with Charm, I will never do again.

I will never again act in films and say: “Yes, I will gain 40 kilograms.” I will never do this again, because I can no longer break them, says Charlize Theron. When I was 27, I made Monster. I lost about 15 pounds overnight. I skipped three meals and returned to my normal weight. Then I did it at 43 for Tully, and I remember trying to lose weight for a year, calling my doctor and saying, “I think I’m dying because I can’t lose this weight.” And he told me: “You are over 40 years old. Don’t take it to heart. “Your metabolism isn’t what it used to be.” Nobody wants to hear that.

Even in 2023, in a world of acceptance and body positivity.”it’s complicated”He says.

It always annoyed me when I got fat for the sake of films, and then I had to go out on the red carpet.

Then Theron spoke about the stylist Leslie Fremar who makes their clothes.

I call her and say, “I’m doing a movie about postpartum depression and I’ve gained about 100 pounds.” And she says, “Oh my God! MY GOD! How will I dress you? It’s not something you can decide at the last minute.

In continuation of the interview, the actress also pointed out the problem with the action movies.

What really worries me is that if I’m doing action movies now and I get injured, it takes a lot longer to recover than it did when I was 20 years old. More than my face, I wish I had my 25 year old body so I could just hit the wall and not even get hurt tomorrow. Now if I don’t exercise for three days and go back to the gym, I won’t be able to walk. I can’t sit on the toilet

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