Aragon records new covid-19 outbreak

The Epidemiological Bulletin of Aragon from August 14th to 20th has notified Four covid-19 outbreaks in Huesca with 29 cases.Public Health explained that all of them were suffering mild symptoms.

As the government noted, those affected “are users of the establishment.” On the other hand, the Gazette states that, acute gastroenteritis outbreak in a family. Of the 5 exposed individuals, only 4 were affected.

During this period, a case occurred Legionnaires’ disease A resident of the Social Health Center in Zaragoza.It is a respiratory disease caused by Legionellamainly through inhalation of contaminated water droplets Aerosols from air conditioning, hot and cold water systems, or whirlpool bathtubs. People with compromised immune systems are more likely to develop serious complications.

Mortality in Aragon

The Epidemiological Bulletin also analyzes the death rate in Aragon on a weekly basis.33 this week, a total of 243 deathssome values, as they appear, are located in the “below the calculated thresholdwith the exception of Teruel, which is slightly above the upper limit”.

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