Salma Hayek and diving – a passion that gives her peace

THATfavorite place Salma Hayek in summer? Ocean. The answer is trivial, except that the Mexican actress loves to relax, swimming and sunbathing on a boat, but even more she loves “creepy” activities: diving. The little “secret” that the star Frida he already talked about it a few weeks ago and is now back to talk about it via social media.

Before showing herself in the depths of the ocean, Salma Hayek delighted her 25 million fans Some photos filmed on the beach. The 57-year-old actress is relaxing in a hammock in September with I wear a white pareo to cover my suit.. Next to her are sunglasses and a white hat. Frames that resemble pure relaxation. But between sleep, Salma reveals her love for diving.

In the video, we see her in a diving suit, respirator and oxygen tank while she is busy explore the bottom of the ocean. An activity away from everything and everyone that seems to relax her. In fact, the video is accompanied by a caption that talks about his passion: “Dream of a place that makes you roam and dream of your place of safety. For me it’s the bottom of the ocean“. And then he adds with a hint of irony: “It gives me a lot of peace, but ruins my manicure”. Just a few weeks ago, Salma Hayek achieved great social success by posting several photos of herself in the company of her diving teacher. In short, when an actress wants to escape the hectic pace of Hollywood, she has a safe place to hide.


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