“It’s not the end of the world”, Liberrima receives Paola Barale

Tomorrow at the Liberrima bookstore, Paola Barale will talk about his book It’s Not the End of the World, published by Sperling and Kupfer. The meeting is scheduled for 18.30 in Corte dei Cicala. He will be in dialogue with author Leda Cesari.

Synopsis: Put on some music, I suggest Special by Lizzo, sit back (although I find unstable balance is always better, it gives you the focus you need), drink herbal tea or a glass of wine, and enter the fantasy world. Fifty years (it’s not quite fifty, maybe forty, and even thirty… You see). Or go back to that time. Why? Because this journey that makes you, makes you or will scare you (a fear that you may not even know you have, but you have, I assure you) is actually great. You, like me, also thanks to my friends, will find that you can cope with the deficiencies of age, from menopause to wrinkles, to a decline (or a sharp increase?) in desire. Knowing that sometimes you can take advantage, ca va sans dire, but only sometimes, and that, above all, you can laugh at it and have fun. And knowing that here, in this safest place, no one will laugh at you, but we will all laugh with you.

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