Cofepris makes legal framework for Mexican biotech companies more flexible to facilitate disease treatment

Pablo Quiroga, Health Promotion Commissioner at Cofepris, assured that biotech or biosimilars will have stronger facilities to create a framework that will allow people to get better and more medicines.

In an interview with Lupita Juárez of the Herald Media Group TV Signal, she said that these substances are used to treat diseases such as cancer, diabetes, hepatitis B, so the flexibility of their regulation helps for importing them into the United States. nation.

Previously, pharmaceutical companies with operations in other countries had to be visited by Cofepris personnel to validate their procedures, delaying commercial time, he said.

He stressed that the amendment to the standard recognizes health certifications from other countries that have quality standards similar to those of Mexico.

“This way we remove barriers that prevent patients from seeing their doctor.”

He said that the level of these drugs is relatively high and meets international standards to ensure safe use. Some of them were made in Germany or Japan, he said.

Publishing the standard in the country’s official gazette would improve trade in these drugs, so companies have been preparing for months to increase distribution in the country, he added.

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