They deny guanacos died of bird flu

These days, images of dead guanacos in the Le Marchand region circulate on social networks, in some cases linked to bird flu. Sea lion carcasses have been found off the coast of Santa Cruz due to the flu, Now Calafate reported.

These versions and speculation prompted the Provincial Land Commission to issue an official statement clarifying the issue. “A team from CAP Animal Control patrolled the area to analyze the situation. 48 dead guanacos were found, most of which were showing signs of nutritional stress, possibly due to persistent snow and frost conditions over the past month Yes,” he said.

Although there has been no history of bird flu among guanacos to date, “samples were taken to assess the presence of the disease in this species,” the statement added.

They also recalled that in 2020, due to the weather, several guanacos were found dead. Earlier this month, several dead specimens were also found in the La Leona area on State Route 40.

Remind people that it is important not to approach dead animals and be careful not to bring pets near them.

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