Can penguins get bird flu?

The Channel 12 news team contacted Fernando Bersano, Curator of Fauna de Chubut, as the Punta Tombo Natural Penguin Sanctuary will begin opening on September 7; Germán Rezanowicz, Animal Health Coordinator, SENASA Regional Center for Southern Patagonia, emphasized,arrive H5N1 influenza It is a virus that affects all birds, so this possibility cannot be ruled out.

Germán Rezanowicz, animal health coordinator at SENASA’s Southern Patagonia Regional Center, told Channel 12 that since the situation in Argentina is so widespread, it is difficult to count the number of dead sea lions who have tested positive for bird flu. In the Rio Grande, which was the most important focus, there were 26 animal deaths and now Caleta Olivia, Rada Tilly and Komodoro ( Comodoro) saw more animal deaths brought in by the tides affecting the province.

bird flu infection

Rezanovic said “Avian flu usually contaminates birds, and when birds are sick, it can happen in other species as well, we’re talking about a predator that preys on sick or dead birds. Or an animal that’s almost closely co-existing, like wolves , because seagulls, wolves, and seabirds generally live on small islands, and contact with sea lion feces may cause influenza, so I turn to bird consumption“.

The SENASA coordinator emphasized that his department is responsible for producing livestock and their concern is to avoid the spread of wild animals to domestic animals, for which they ask people not to come near places with virus particles. “Just walking around the wolf’s body can pick up virus particles and carry them where they’re not needed.”.

No cases among penguins

“We have neither notified nor reported any deaths in the penguin colony,” said Fernando Bersano, director of the Chubut Zoological Center.

Regarding the opening of the season in Punta Tombo on September 7, he said there was no reason why it should not take place. At the same time, he emphasized that the only way to determine whether the death of birds was caused by avian influenza is through PCR.

They have developed a protocol for tourists on precautionary measures to avoid spreading the virus from one place to another, which includes sanitizing shoes, travel times and group organization.

Precautions to Avoid Spreading the Virus

  • Avoid contact with sea lions
  • Avoid traveling to the coast with pets
  • do not touch wild birds

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