Amber Heard, the former Johnny Depp, risked a lot for her Yorkshire Terriers: why and what did the Australian prosecutor decide

More trouble for former Amber Heard Johnny Depp, who has had a hard time with her Yorkshire terriers.

History and the lawsuit she saw Johnny Depp and Amber Heard In 2022, the trial became a worldwide event, followed by millions of people, and now it has also been turned into a documentary series on Netflix.

Depp-Heard, media case of recent years (Photo by Ansa)

The Depp-Heard case was undoubtedly one of the most media-covered court cases in recent years, culminating in the victory of the Hollywood star after 6 weeks of hearings and accusations of defamation against each other.

Depp and Amber Heard: the problems of the actress are related to her dogs

According to Australian media reports, the local prosecutor’s office opened a possible case. criminal case against Amber Heardaccused of lying to the court about the arrival of her Yorkshire terriers in Australia.

Gun and boo this is the name of the dogs that 8 years ago belonged to the actress and Johnny Depp and were brought by Heard to Australia to get to Depp, who was then filming Pirates of the Caribbean.

The Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, the biosecurity oversight body, was investigating the plaintiff’s alleged false testimony related to knowledge Australian laws prevented her from bringing dogs into the state. According to a former employee of the actress, Heard forced the employee to take responsibility for breaking the law.

Amber Heard with one of her Yorkies (Instagram source @amberheard)

Prosecutors, however, dropped the most serious charges (smuggling of dogs, which can result in a prison sentence of 10 years), and the charge of false documents (which carry a maximum penalty of one year in prison and a fine of more than A$10,000) was converted to guarantee of good behavior one month – with a fine of A$1,000 for an offense committed in Australia the following month.

Pistol and Boo became Heard’s property after her divorce from Johnny Depp in 2017, but even so, not only the actress, but also the animals in tow, had a bad time.

In 2015, when a couple kept a couple of dogs with them in Australia, the law required compliance term 50 hours imposed by the government to be able to return animals to the United States, otherwise would risk being overwhelmed. Poor Pistol and Boo had a very bad time.

In the US, Aber Heard is not the only celebrity who loves dogs. Recently too Britney Spears decided to replenish the family with a four-legged friend.

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