50 years old, but I conquer gravity | Vanity Fair Italy

This article was first published in 2013 on the website Vanity Fair and we offer it again today to trace the changes that Vanity has been the main character for the past 20 years. Here are all the articles that we reprint

How will you see if you see Gravity. Sandra Bullock, who turns 50 on July 26, today is not much different from a girl in a short haircut. speed, the film that marked the beginning of this film in 1994. During this time, he made more than forty films, some of which he also produced, and in one – Blind areawon an Oscar in 2010.

Little is known about her personal life: despite her worldwide fame, she managed to remain one of the highest paid stars for twenty years, never betraying her side to those character killers about whom gossip is unpleasant. Let’s put it this way: the crisis of her only marriage (to motorcyclist and TV presenter Jesse James) remained a mystery until the day the divorce was announced shortly after winning the Oscars. And her plan to adopt a not so young child, whose presence was later revealed from random photographs, also remained a secret.

The idea of ​​raising her son (Louis, now four-and-a-half) without a man by her side never frightened her.
“No, don’t worry. Neither before nor after. Otherwise I wouldn’t have done it. And then, I actually share Louie with a lot of great people, friends and family,” she says. movie project about Brownie Wise, the woman who invented Tupperware’s door-to-door sale of plastic containers, the unsung heroine of American capitalism, to be directed by Tate Taylor (Help).

“There are only three ages in Hollywood: the doll, the district attorney, and walk with daisy“. So said Goldie Hawn in The First Wives Club (’96). Times have changed. Today there is also an age-old Sandra Bullock. Who, long before going for a walk with Daisy, does what she likes. And she was overpaid: $20 million in cash plus 15 percent of Gravityjust one film earned 70 million dollars.

In addition to cinema and her son, Sandra develops other expensive and demanding hobbies. On the one hand, it invests in the reconstruction of historical buildings and opens a business (owns several restaurants), on the other hand, it generously donates money to help humanitarian projects. For example, quietly, without too much rant, she got the Warren Eastorn School in New Orleans, the oldest school in Louisiana, destroyed by Hurricane Katrina, back on its feet. Founded in 1843, it used to be a white-only school, but today it has predominantly black boys on scholarships. After Katrina, he risked becoming a condominium, but instead he became a school again, a reference point for society.

Well done Sandra, the “poster girl” of the perfect fifty-year-old: beautiful, rich, and kind-hearted. But one. No husbands or friends. She was recently credited with flirting with Hugh Grant (ma!) and muscular actor Chris Evans, 33. The latter must have been the idea of ​​a very patriotic press office. America’s sweetheart and Captain America himself, but look what a beautiful engraving couple.

At the request of journalists to confirm, Chris made a mistake: “I love Sandra. I have seen Speed when I was in seventh grade, I always thought she was the perfect woman.” Sandra joked: “You fell behind, guys. Chris and I are already married and already divorced.

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