New bird flu outbreak confirmed among sea lions off the coast of Buenos Aires

Furthermore, in the sampling programme, the agency’s professionals and local authorities identify the burial sites of suspected dead animals to avoid any type of contamination or contagion from other animals or people.

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Senasa confirmed new cases of bird flu in sea lions in two towns in the province of Buenos Aires.

Senasa has confirmed new cases of avian influenza in sea lions in two towns in the province of Buenos Aires.

Photo: Sensa.

Likewise, the agency reported in an official statement that the virus detected in marine mammals does not affect the animal’s health status self-declared to the World Organization for Animal Health (WHO), where Argentina is classified as non-highly virulent. Sick Avian Influenza Countries. poultry.

What to do in the face of new cases of bird flu?

Senasa has a series of recommendations for people in areas where bird flu outbreaks have been confirmed in sea lions:

  • Avoid entry and circulation of people and vehicles on the beach or affected spaces.
  • When a stuffed sea lion is present, do not approach it, and avoid direct contact or approaching by pets.
  • Avoid direct contact with wild birds and observe them only from a distance.
  • Do not touch surfaces that may be contaminated with wild bird secretions or droppings.
  • If an animal is found showing signs of stress or death, avoid direct contact and notify Senasa immediately through its available channels.

They found seven dead sea lions in Villarino

Yesterday, seven sea lion carcasses were found in the city. Villarino,especially in La Chiquita Spa. It has not yet been confirmed whether the animals were infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), but the necessary tests are being developed to confirm.

It is worth remembering that, as Senasa explains, avian influenza is a “disease with a major impact on poultry production, both domestic (mainly chickens, ducks, turkeys and geese) and wild birds”.

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