Senasa’s concerns grow over sea lion deaths

National health agencies met with municipal, provincial and national agencies to communicate intervention options for these cases. In addition to sampling, Identify burial sites for suspected dead animals to avoid any type of contamination or contagion from other animals or people.

Senasa also reported detection of They do not affect the animal health status self-declared to the World Organization for Animal Health (OMSA), and Argentina is considered HPAI-free in poultry.

Cases of avian influenza in sea lions: where cases were recorded

New cases of bird flu in sea lions 2.jpg

Be wary of more sea lion deaths due to bird flu outbreak. (Photo: Teram)

Positive cases of the disease have so far been detected in the Rio Grande, Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and the islands of the South Atlantic; in the Punta Bermeja Nature Reserve in Rio Grande; in Buenos Aires Punta Loyola in Necochea and Santa Cruz; Puerto Piramides in Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires and Chubut, and today in Cleromeco and San Bla Three of them.

Advice to avoid more bird flu cases

Senasa posted the following Measures to Protect Public Health The area’s:

Beach Access Restrictions: It is strongly requested not to enter the affected beach area. Avoiding touching these areas can help significantly reduce the risk of contagion.

– Pet Control: Recall of ban on bringing pets to beaches. Exposure of livestock to the virus is very dangerous and facilitates its spread.

– Distance between sea lions and dead birds: It is recommended to keep a safe distance and avoid direct contact. This minimizes the chance of the virus spreading.

– Avoid contaminated surfaces: It is advised not to touch surfaces that may be contaminated with saliva, mucous membranes, or bird droppings, whether wild or free-ranging.

– Reports of sick or dead birds: If you notice diseased or dead wild and domestic birds, contact Senasa authorities immediately through the app for Android, by email at notificaciones@senasa.gob .ar, by phone on 11 5700 5704 or online sheet.

Dead Sea Lions: What Is Influenza or Bird Flu

this Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) is a disease that has a major impact on poultry production It affects both domestic poultry, such as chickens, ducks, turkeys, and geese, and wild birds. At the same time, it can spread to other animals, even humans. Since late 2021, a wave of bird flu has swept through much of the world.

According to Senasa Resolution No. 153/2021, bird flu is notifiable in our country, anyone who finds Mortality, neurological, digestive and/or respiratory symptoms in wild or poultrythrough the following channels:

You can submit notifications in person at the nearest Senasa office by calling 11 5700 5704; through the mobile device application “Senasa Notifications” available in the Play Store; by writing to email, or via their website “Notifications to Senasa” section of the .

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