The dangers of taking the wrong antibiotic

this antibiotic is a drug fight bacterial infection In humans and animals, they kill disease-causing bacteria or stunt their growth and reproduction until they eventually disappear from the body.

The discovery of these drugs is without a doubt one of the most important in the history of medicine because it made a large number of diseases that were deadly until the 20th century disappear. However, despite its incredible benefits to humans, Misusing them can have devastating consequences.

antibiotic resistance

as from World Health OrganizationAntibiotic resistance is one of the greatest threats to global health, food security and development because it can affect anyone, regardless of age or country of residence.but what is it antibiotic resistance?

Antibiotic resistance is a natural phenomenon that occurs when antibiotics are used bacterial evolution Resistance to the drugs that fight them makes the infections they cause in humans and animals increasingly difficult to treat. Worst of all, our abuse of these drugs is exacerbating the problem, making it even worse. increase medical expensesprolonged hospital stay, and increased mortality.

In fact, this silent epidemic has resulted in approximately According to the World Health Organization, 700,000 people die each yearand this number may gradually increase until it becomes the number one cause of death in 2025, reaching 10 million deaths per year.

For the above reasons, on June 13, the European Council adopted a series of measures aimed at strengthening the EU’s fight against antibiotic resistance in the fields of human health, animal health and the environment, which highlighted the reduction of the total consumption of antibiotics in the community and hospital sectors. consumption. Spain is one of the countries with the highest consumption, 24.9% The 2030 target is to reduce consumption by 27%.

How to take antibiotics correctly

The first thing to remember is that we should only taking antibiotics as prescribed Healthcare professionals qualified to treat bacterial diseases. They will never be used to treat viral infections such as colds, flu, and sinus infections, nor will they consume antibiotics left over from other occasions.

It is very important to always follow the guidelines pointed out by professionals and experts Take the prescribed doseeven though we believe that the last two pills are no longer needed because the bacteria cannot be completely eliminated from our bodies and start developing horrific resistance.

What would happen if we developed resistance to antibiotics?

If first-line antibiotics fail to treat the infection, more expensive drugs need to be used.but that the disease lasts longerTherefore, once hospitalized, medical expenses may soar and bring a corresponding burden to the family.

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