10 Actors Who Outright Lied to Get a Role (+ One Who Got Caught!)

No, if you’re wondering, the answer is no: you’re not the only one who blows up your resume to get a job. Indeed, be aware that this is a widespread practice even among Hollywood stars who, through some strategic lies, have been given roles that would otherwise never have been available to them! If you’re curious about what they’ve come up with, check out our gallery for the highlights: 10 actors who shamelessly lied to get the part (+ one who got busted!)

10 Actors Who Outright Lied to Get a Role (+ One Who Got Caught!)

To play the role of Lurin Newsom in Brokeback Mountain, it was important that her translator could ride a horse. What better candidate than Anne Hathaway who had no idea how to do it? The actress got the part claiming to know how to ride horses, but it quickly became clear on set that she was lying, and worse, because of her inexperience, she got into an accident!

10 Actors Who Outright Lied to Get a Role (+ One Who Got Caught!)

For the character of Lydia in Breaking Bad, an actress who spoke fluent German was needed, a detail that significantly reduced the number of possible candidates for the role. Frazier jumped at the opportunity, and when asked via email if she knew the language well, she candidly replied, “Of course!” Obviously, this was not true, but once she received the script, with a lot of goodwill and study, she was able to perfectly pronounce all sentences in German without being in danger.

10 Actors Who Outright Lied to Get a Role (+ One Who Got Caught!)

10 Actors Who Outright Lied to Get a Role (+ One Who Got Caught!)

To get a role in The Last Song, the actor stated that he was a very good volleyball player and showed off his skills. However, once on set filming the volleyball match, it was immediately clear to everyone that he was lying, but with a little practice and some time stolen from filming, he luckily managed to film the scene in question!

10 Actors Who Outright Lied to Get a Role (+ One Who Got Caught!)

The actress started her career very young, perhaps too young, judging by how she landed her very first role on That ’70s Show. The auditions were actually open to adult actresses, but Kunis, who was only 14 at the time, decided to enter anyway, claiming she was eighteen…and it worked!

The same fate befell Eddie Redmayne, who assured the director that he could ride a horse to land a role in Elizabeth: The Golden Age. It’s a pity that on set, he literally risked dying in an accident that created problems for the entire crew and the director, whom the director himself accused him of being a “damn liar.”

10 Actors Who Outright Lied to Get a Role (+ One Who Got Caught!)

10 Actors Who Outright Lied to Get a Role (+ One Who Got Caught!)

At the beginning of his career, the actor did not have much acting experience, and the idea of ​​being rejected in auditions for this reason did not suit him, so he decided to take a huge risk: to tell everyone that he studied at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art and why not, he also studied at Oxford. Obviously Pattinson never did anything like this, but the lie obviously worked great!

The beloved star started acting at the age of 20, but she was often told at auditions that she was too young for the roles she wanted to play, so she decided to add 6 years to her real age. Needless to say, the deception paid off, and Goldberg was cast as Celie Johnson in The Color Purple.

In 2011, while casting for the role of Jane in Terrence Malick’s film To the Miracle, the actress was asked if she was comfortable working with horses. In order not to lose the role, she agreed, but later stated that in fact, not only did they scare her, but she was even allergic to them!

10 Actors Who Outright Lied to Get a Role (+ One Who Got Caught!)

10 Actors Who Outright Lied to Get a Role (+ One Who Got Caught!)

In 1990, the actress lied about her age in order to get the role of an elderly scientist in the film Love Potion. Bullock was 26 at the time, but realizing that this would be a hindrance, she stated that she was 29. Of course, the lie worked perfectly!

At the time of the casting for the film Hugo Cabre, the actress was only 13 years old, but her ideas were already very clear: she wanted to play the role of Isabelle by all means. However, there was only one hurdle to overcome, and that hurdle was Martin Scorsese, who was apparently asking for a young woman with a real English accent. Moretz tried to stage it as much as possible, but Scorsese immediately realized that she was playing him, however, admiring her determination, he decided to offer her the role anyway.

  • George Clooney failed

Photo: Getty (Franco Orilla)

Stars who lie don’t always get away with it, even considering his current fame, it must be said that despite the embarrassing figure, things have gone more than well for him! In fact, when he was still a baby, during an audition, Clooney decided to lie about his work experience, stating that he had a supporting role in the Cat People movie. What he didn’t know, however, was that the woman he was talking about was none other than Mary Goldberg, the director in charge of casting for… “Cat People”! He didn’t get the role, of course, but for inexplicable reasons – perhaps judging his resolve – Goldberg helped him get a role in another film!

If the gallery “Ten actors who blatantly lied to get a role (+ the one who got caught!)» you liked it, here you can find others that might be for you:

Photos: Getty (George Pimentel, Stefan Cardinale-Corbis, Fraser Harrison)


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