The flu vaccine will be given to children six months to three years old for the first time.

This fall, for the first time, the vaccination schedule for healthy children aged six months to five years will include influenza sera. So far, it has only been used in groups of children with underlying pathology. A total of 1.6 million children will benefit.

At this time, all municipalities and municipalities of Ceuta and Melilla have Received dose of flu vaccine. The serum will be administered intranasally in children aged 2 to 5 years and intramuscularly in children aged 6 to 23 months.

In 2022, this group will be vaccinated against influenza Only in three autonomous regions: Andalusia, Galicia and Murcia. Furthermore, only 50% coverage was achieved. Under the new decision, it is hoped that an average of 60 per cent of the vaccine will be vaccinated and that those who get vaccinated will be protected because they are the main spreaders of the flu, mainly in schools and nurseries.

Influenza affects 20% to 40% of children It depends on the severity of the epidemic that year. In addition, 5% of cases ended up being hospitalized due to their serious condition. Of these, two-thirds were healthy children, that is, they had no underlying disease.

On the other hand, this autumn COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign Pfizer, Moderna and Novavax have launched new vaccines adapted to variants of Covid 19. The groups required to receive the vaccine are the elderly, patients with dangerous diseases, immunosuppressed people, pregnant women and healthcare workers.

In the 2022 vaccination campaign, the public health committee composed of the Ministry of Health and the Autonomous Region decided that in the following vaccination programs Antiviral drugs that will include human papillomavirus for the boy population. Previously it was only for girls. Specifically, they will receive two doses of the vaccine, at least six months apart, to protect against sexually transmitted diseases and various types of cancer, such as cervical, anal or penile cancer.

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