UASLP Offers Oltalmology Services – St. Louis Code – Online Newspaper

The Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí provides ophthalmology services to Potosí residents and the university community through the University Health Center (CSU), which is managed by CSU ophthalmologist Dr. Mariana Moctezuma Dávila.

For this specialization, Dr. Moctezuma Dávila pointed out that although CSU was founded with a main focus on students, it has now expanded to include administrative and service staff, as well as society as a whole, “meaning more and more people go to ophthalmology consultations. “.

He said that vision is one of the main senses of human beings, so annual review is very important and necessary, “All healthy people, without any disease, should have an annual review, regardless of their health status.” Whether we can see clearly, all It’s all about recognizing any symptom of any disease, and the way people perceive their environment is normalizing.”

He added: “Many people arrive with burning eyes, which is not normal. If anyone has any strange sensations, don’t assume this is normal and should go for a follow-up to avoid further complications.

Likewise, he mentioned the types of eye consultations that people are concerned about, such as so-called refractive errors, such as nearsightedness, astigmatism, and hyperopia, “that’s the vast majority of people who need glasses because they see things blurry; The consultation was a problem of allergic conjunctivitis, which is common among students”.

“Another reason people go to counseling is what’s called dry eye, and there are a lot of sufferers, a lot more than we expected. Dry eye is caused by excessive use of screens, phones, computers; it’s not a disease, Rather, it is a spectrum that includes many symptoms and signs, that is, it can be attributed to an abuse screen because it can be a symptom of systemic diseases such as lupus and arthritis.” . explained.

To avoid dry eye, Dr. Mariana Moctezuma offers a series of recommendations, such as taking breaks away from our devices every 20 minutes, “that is, blinking constantly, not rubbing eyes, and limiting screen use.” For children, They should not use the device until they are two years old, because in addition to causing dry eye, the refractive power of the eye can also be affected.

Finally, Dr. Moctezuma invites the general public to review, and care includes both children and adults. Eye Care office hours are Monday through Thursday, 9:00 am to 11:00 am. For appointments and reports please contact 4448262466 and 67 ext 5564.or by email (email protected).

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