Aragon records three coronavirus outbreaks, about 50 people affected

Aragon experienced three outbreaks of the new crown last week, affecting about 50 people. This is reflected in the Epidemiological Bulletin released this Thursday, which details Two of these cases were hospital-acquired, that is to say, caused by infection within the Zaragoza Health Centre. It has been demonstrated that, in these cases, 10 and 17 All of these are “actively under development,” Public Health noted.

they do too 18 infected people registered in a residence in the province of Huesca, Its symptoms are “mild”. 16 out of 92 residents and 2 out of 210 workers were affected.

Since the beginning of August, in addition to the sharp increase in the number of new coronary pneumonia cases, although most symptoms are mild, the Aragonese Epidemiological Bulletin also collected A community outbreak of acute gastroenteritis has occurred in residents of Teruel. A total of six people were infected, two of whom had to be hospitalized.

The Department of Environmental Health detailed the document and a “public source inspection” has been carried out and samples taken. “Two of the water sources were determined to be unfit for drinking and were closed.” pointed out. To this end, the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government jointly issued the “Citywide Prevention and Control Suggestions”.

increased whooping cough

According to the epidemiological bulletin, last quarter there were There has been an increase in notifications of pertussis cases in Aragon. From week 24 to week 34, 105 cases have been detected, resulting in a cumulative incidence rate of 7.9 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.The majority of infections were registered in the province of Zaragoza (101 cases), more specifically In Region 1, the Santa Ysabel Health District has 38 cases, or 36.2%.andIn the second region of the province of Valdespatla-Montcanal, there have been 22 infections, 21% of the total. There are three cases of infection in the province of Huesca and one in Teruel.

56.2% were aged between 10 and 14, followed by the age groups 5 to 9 (17.1%) and 45 to 54 (9.5%). In addition, four cases were reported in children under 1 year of age, all over 6 months of age. 91.4% of minors were vaccinated correctly, Includes booster dose at six years.

Given the start of the new school year, students will return to classrooms on September 7, epidemiological bulletin warns “Increased mobility” and “students congregating in enclosed spaces for relatively long periods of time” increase risk. In view of this situation, they noted that “vigilance will be redoubled”, recommending that health professionals take extreme containment measures for suspected patients, in particular “initiation of antibiotic treatment and respiratory isolation within the next five days”.

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