South Korea reduces contagion level of Covid-19 to same level as flu – El Nacional

SEOUL – South Korea today reduced the spread of covid-19 to the lowest level on the four-level scale, equivalent to seasonal flu.

The Communicable Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA) today announced transitional measures to bring the Asian country’s healthcare system back to normal.

South Korea reduces contagion level of covid-19 to same as flu

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So far, covid-19 has been classified as a second category because of its contagiousness, like tuberculosis, measles or cholera, which have forced health authorities to isolate sick people.

As of today, it would be in category four, on the same level as diseases like seasonal flu or foot-and-mouth disease, after a slowdown in the last wave of infections that began in June.

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That means the recommendation to quarantine for five days in case of infection will no longer exist, and authorities will stop taking daily infection counts, which have been done every day since the country’s first case emerged. January 20, 2020.

From now on, KDCA said it will focus on protecting high-risk groups and treating critically ill patients. In that sense, hospitals and senior centers will continue to make masks mandatory.

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