Faced with a possible outbreak of bird flu in humans, Minsa announces multisectoral simulation | News

The National Center for Epidemiology, Prevention and Control (CDC) of the Ministry of Health (Minsa) has announced the conduct of a multisectoral simulation due to the risk of an outbreak of influenza or avian influenza cases in Peru in humans.

The three-day exercise will be held in the Ventanilla district of the Callao region, from today to Friday the 11th, and Health Minister César Vazquez, The brigades will be present when they go out for exercises.

The first day (today) will be at National Agricultural Health Service (Senasa) Auditorium, To prepare for the drill scenario; there will be a site visit tomorrow and an assessment of everything that has been done on Friday.

CDC Director César Munayco Escate According to reports, the purpose of the exercise was to Prepare for possible human cases and capacity to respond should exist in entities related to the disease.

he said in chile and ecuador Every country already has cases; so, risk The same thing happened in Peru very close.

Minsa is in the process of being prepared by the CDC for which simulations have been performed which will allow us to have an effective and timely response to human cases of bird flu“,He said

Drills and simulations assess responsiveness, especially strength, he explained identify barriers or gaps In this capacity, “This will guide us or improve the care of the case“.

He said that the exercise will be Constitutional Province of Callao Will receive intervention from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Minsa) selffort; Senasa and CernampCallao Regional Government and District Municipal Government.

Munayco said those who will attend the event simulacra will have all Safety clothing such as KN95 masks, gloves, uniforms and other elements.

This is a multisectoral engagement (drill) and this is the necessary response in these situationsHe also highlighted the animal study, which will be done by staff at Senasa, Sernanp and Serfor, while the CDC will do the same in humans and look for contacts, he said.

Munayco Escate confirms that this is Mass displacement is underway to understand our situation so we can be better prepared Facing the possibility of such cases in the country.

Going deeper into the issue, he said, the goal is to assess coping capacity from the moment of the event. patient coming to health center and from there start all Admission and Treatment Process Conduct research on humans and animals in areas where cases are found.

form of infection

Munaiko later said in an interview national radio station This contagion basically occurs in people who come into contact with the secretions of birds and those who primarily care for or raise such species (ducks, hens, chicks) at home or in their backyards.

Symptoms of bird flu in humans

Symptoms of bird flu in humans is: cough, shortness of breath, sore throat and muscle aches, Eye infection, pneumonia If left untreated, the sick or infected person may be admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

Munaiko pointed out, die of this disease is 60% People who come into contact with birds and experience breathing difficulties should go to the nearest health center immediately.

Cases of COVID-19

On the other hand, the CDC director, when asked about covid-19, reported that although the number of cases has decreased, the current number is an average of 40 deaths per week, Mainly older people.

In view of this, he sent a phone call to relevant people. dose not yet completedgo to a health center to get vaccinated or complete a booster dose.



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Release date: August 10, 2023

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